Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Impact Of International Trade On The United States

In this age of globalization, Economic integration and regional cooperation have become a reality. International trade has enabled countries to exchange goods, services and capital across the border, enabling better opportunities for both producers and consumers. However, in recent years, the benefits of International trade have been questioned by many economists and business experts. There are no doubts that International trade has been a blessing for many countries around the world, but the question that remains unanswered is, how does International trade benefit the United States economically. With fall, declining economic growth, and increase in unemployment, as claimed by conservatives, trade deals such as NAFTA and TPP have been under the spotlight for quite sometimes. Despite all criticisms, recent International trade data show a different reality. It shows how the benefits of International trade outweighed the cost of the economy of the United States. International trade between countries have existed since the beginning of human existence, and it has been significant in the economic prosperity of many countries. The discovery of the United States, and North America can be traced back to International Trade. Prime example of how International trade benefits the United States is embedded in its giant economy, and superpower status. The economic achievements of the country were only made possible due to the high volume of trade that the U.S conduct outside itsShow MoreRelatedCurrent State of the US Macroeconomy771 Words   |  3 PagesCurrent state of the U.S. macro economy Import surplus There can never be any country in the world which can survive on its own without being involved in international trade with other countries. 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